
Thank you for visiting my page to see my project!

  • I enjoy coding and here is my favorite project that I created
  • I thank my parents for giving me this opportunity to learn
  • This project is my entry to JetLearn's "I love Coding" challenge
  • You will help me win by sharing this page with as many friends as possible. Help me win :)

My Favorite Project

Snake v(1.2)


▻ Hello, here is a classic game - SNAKE!!

▻ You need to collect all the pink food on the screen

▻ Use the arrow keys to move the snake up, right, left and down

If you get the food, you will grow. If you touch the edges you will die. If you touch yourself you will die

▻ When you click on the flag, the controls and instructions will be displayed to you again on screen. Once the instructions are clear, get ready to play the game and press the "SPACE" key on the keyboard to begin.

▻ Let's see how much food you can collect!

▻ Get your family and friends to play the game and see who can score the most!!

Do you also want to learn coding and make cool projects?